Let’s Get to Know Your Journey – Sheilla Akwara

Picture by ivan samkov

Welcome to the beginning of the best days of your life. If you’re looking for a sign, this is it!

If you’re reading this, you probably have a question or two about your own journey. Perhaps there’s something you want to better understand better? Or change? Or learn about? Maybe things are beyond fuzzy in your life and you need clarity? Do you have a problem that seems stubborn and you just want to remove/erase it, or know why it’s there and how to deal with it? Some problems are there  to teach you. You can’t pray it away or run away, because it will still find you. It’s time to understand and master your life so you be at peace in everything you do.

Don’t worry, you’re in the right place.

So, here’s what I do. I guide and mentor people to understand their journeys in life and to finding their true purpose.  How? I use faith to explain who you are + your journey. This means your journey + everything you’re going through right now. Before you mentally check out, [because I know how people get when you mention God]; let me tell you something. Nothing else works. Trust me. I’ve tried it all and I’ve failed miserably at all other attempts. I used to struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts from a very young age – [seven]. At the age of 13, I attempted to take my life [for the first time and many times after that]. For many years, life was a ‘winging it’ situation. I was so sick and tired of pretending that everything was okay, when it wasn’t. I wasn’t.

He found me

One day, God found me [2013]. In my mess, squirming in the mud and exhausted from all the fights around me, He found me. He picked me up and explained to me why I was suffering. Do you believe that God speaks to us in dreams and visions? Well, He does. In one of the most powerful visions one night whilst I slept, He told me that I went through my ordeals because of who He has called me to be.  He showed me everything I went through as a child, and also as a grown up. It was so painful to relieve those moments and I didn’t understand why I had to see those people.  They hurt me, abandoned me; and those I trusted walked away from me when I needed them most. What He told me afterwards changed the way I looked at myself and has stuck with me to date. It’s what helps to pick me up on those tough days. He said I should never blame myself as I had done nothing wrong. He also encouraged me, told me many other things and said He would help me.

I needed to hear those words, because I considered myself a failure. Now God was telling me that I wasn’t a failure. I wasn’t rejected. I was loved and wanted. He told me that not only did I carry purpose, but I carry great purpose. I’ve written a book about all my ordeals and how God saved me. I’ll send alerts to all who subscribe, so make sure you sign up to our newsletter.

I blamed myself

Can you blame me? All my life, I thought I was the error. I thought I was the mistake. Rejected and not loved. Unwanted. Purposeless. When God spoke to me this night, everything changed for me. My mindset was completely transformed and I received a new level of boldness. I then begun a new journey that would change everything I knew about myself. It’s definitely not been easy, but it has been worth it. When we were young, we went to school and were taught by teachers. Whilst at home, our parents taught us. There are also lessons that God teaches us, and these are through many life experiences.

Your experiences shape who you are

Your duty/task and responsibility came before you.

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you
 that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should 
remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He 
may give you. ~John 15:16~

You did not choose yourself. You were chosen, and selected because you are more than capable to carry out certain tasks. If you couldn’t do it you wouldn’t be here. God only sends out capable people. My job is to connect you to that purpose and to help you find meaning in your life. You were engineered to excel and succeed, never look down on yourself. My heart deeply yearns to help those suffering from depression and suicide ideation because I went through the same. Depression is not a life sentence. YOU CAN BE FREE.

Check out this article on how God refined us in His fire. Make sure you watch the Youtube video attached as it provides a deep meaning and explanation on how God refines us.

This is the beginning of a journey that will take you deeper into who you are, and help bring a new perspective and understanding to your life. No matter the reason as to why you are here, I want to promise you.. [and yes, I know promise is a big word]..but I promise you, that it gets better from here.

What to expect

My team and I are building a programme that we will soon launch, equipped to help you understand your life better. For now, I am here for 1:1 consultations, where I will provide you with some actionable steps that you can take. These will impact your life tremendously. At some point this month, I’ll upload a calendar that you can use to book your 30 minute or 1 hour sessions; and what to expect from our consultation.

I’ll also offer a free 15 minute consultation

  • *courses – we’re working on courses geared to target specific areas of your life.
  • *workbooks- Similar to courses, these will be more in depth and will need your vulnerable participation.
  • *bootcamps – sessions geared to help you understand your journey.
  • *free videos- make sure you check out my YouTube channel below for free videos on journey, purpose, faith and all things God.

P.S – I am so glad you’re here. I shared my vison above, and yes, although the message was for me, it’s also for you. No matter what you’re going through, keep pushing. You’re not done with your assignment in life and there’s more waiting for you. Don’t give up.

